3rd - 7th June 2024

Theme: Data Science for Social Good in the Age of Generative AI

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Generative AI

Photo credit-OpenArt SDXL AI generated prompt Dive deep into the world of Deep Generative AI, exploring image, text, and code generation. Begin with a comprehensive introduction, then delve into the theory and practical applications of Variational...

Natural Language Processing

Photo credit: https://www.freewordcloudgenerator.com This summer school offers an intensive dive into the world of Natural Language Processing (NLP) for African languages! Over three days (Monday to Wednesday), you will explore the power of Large...

Edge AI

Photo credit: OpenArt SDXL AI generated promptJoin us in exploring Edge AI, where intelligence converges with reality. Bid farewell to cumbersome servers and welcome the opportunity to develop and deploy Machine Learning models directly onto compa...

African Countries

Latest news


Summer School

In the tradition of previous Data Science Africa events, a summer school on machine learning and data science will be held prior to the main workshop. This summer school will target graduate students, researchers, and professionals working with huge amounts of data or unique datasets. The DSA 2024 Nyeri Summer School will be hosted by the Dedan Kimathi University of Technology in Nyeri from 3rd - 5th of June 2024. The summer school will also involve end-to-end tutorial sessions from professionals walking the participants through introductory and advanced lectures in data science and machin...

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Extended Abstracts Karibu! We invite you to submit an extended abstract for the Data Science Africa (DSA) 2024 workshop that will be held in Nyeri, Kenya from June 6th to June 7th. The abstracts should focus on African challenges or methods that are relevant to addressing problems in Africa. At least one African researcher should be a co-author on submitted abstracts and authors should be prepared to present their research during the workshop. We encourage participants who have applied to the summer school to consider sharing their research. We also encourage the participation of wome...

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